The featured artists have been creating art for over 75 years. Their individual accolades, bios, awards and collections are numerous and include, but are certainly not limited to: Fulbright Scholar, New Mexico Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts, teaching, books, publications, design and construction of the first bronze foundry used in an American university sculpture class, built the first foundry used in any university sculpture class in New Mexico, permanent and public museum collections throughout the United States and abroad, and a vast and impressive list of private collections both nationally and internationally.
Join us at Hat Ranch Gallery to celebrate their art and legend.
Rudy Gonzales: bronze sculptures - Figurative
John Hogan: acrylic on canvas, drawings, prints - Landscapes, pop, figurative
Harry Leippe: bronze sculptures - Italian, Dinetah and Chaco Canyon influence
Jerry West: oil on canvas, prints - Dreamscapes, cultural landscapes