Speaker Series Title: “From first draft to production: A filmmaker's journey to independent film.”
Since 1998, Kristin Goodman has acted and directed for large and small theatres in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Santa Fe including: The Goodman Theatre, Collaboration Theatre, Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, The Court Theatre, The Blank Theatre, Adobe Rose Theatre and Defiant Theatre. Kristin is an award-winning screenwriter and playwright honored at festivals including: The Austin Film Festival, The Nashville Film Festival, and The New York Screenwriting Contest. She is the director of the nationally touring comedy show The Pump and Dump Show featured on People and The Today Show. Kristin recently wrote for the Emmy Winning comedy web series Dropping The Soap, starring Jane Lynch and produced by Lisa Kudrow and Dan Bucatinsky.
Kristin grew up in the south valley of Albuquerque where she competed in the local 4-H rodeos and horse shows. As a young girl, she even lived on Las Golindrinas for a few years, spending many hours riding her horse through the rugged terrain, helping out during fiestas and irrigating the fields with her father, all the while writing stories in her head.
Kristin's most recent film "Tucumcari" is currently in development to be shot in New Mexico 2019.
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This is another free Authentic Experience from HRG, however donations to cover wine and chair rental are cheerfully and gratefully accepted. Speakers are generously donating their time (so far).